Community 1st
Building 1000, Yew St, Stockport SK4 2HG
North Team |
South Team |
North Team
South Team
© Copyright: Community 1st | Website design by ThinlineCreative

We have been a long-term local partner in Oldham since 2004.
Over this time we have and continue to provide expert estate and facilities management, strategic planning and development support services to six state-of-the-art health and community facilities across Oldham as well as full estate reviews and extensive capital projects and property adaptations across the local NHS estate to reflect the changing demands of our partners.
Built on our long term knowledge and expertise in this area our flexible approach means that we provide solutions appropriate to meet the needs of our partner ensuring solutions are value for money and strategically driven to improve the delivery of local health and social care services.
Take a look at our services and how we can work together for your local estate improvement project.
Our partnership is governed by a Strategic Partnering Agreement signed up to by local public sector partners to deliver community-based estate transformation projects across Oldham.
Community 1st Oldham are procurement cleared to work with a wide range of NHS and wider public sector partners. We will support you in the delivery of your vision and we pride ourselves on the partnerships we have developed over the years.
You can learn more about how you can Work Together with our local team here.
Please contact us to discuss any of your estate issues. We’ll be happy to arrange a meeting to discuss our services, resources and expertise to support your requirements. Contact Us