Major milestone for the Isles of Scilly Integrated Health and Social Care Facility.

Last week marked a major milestone for the Isles of Scilly Integrated Health and Social Care Facility.

The new Isles of Scilly Integrated Health and Social Care Facility represents a huge investment by the NHS into health and social care facilities and services for islanders.

Community 1st Cornwall are delivering this project on behalf of Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and NHS England on The Duchy Of Cornwall owned site.

This is a complex project due to the logistics of transportation of modular units and construction materials to the Island within certain weather and tide windows.

Community 1st are incredibly proud to deliver this project, drawing on our expertise and that of our partners Premier Modular, METS Ltd, tms, Bluesky Architects both in terms of logistics, design and modular and tradition construction to deliver this project

Despite initial challenges with the ship and weather, The Breb Countess ship successfully transported the 29 Premier Modular units from Hull to the Isles of Scilly by August 18th. Four landing crafts also arrived from Jersey and Penzance with essential equipment.

Over three days, teams worked tirelessly from dawn to late evening to unload the modules onto the island. This significant achievement reduces project risks and moves us closer to completion. A big thanks to everyone who supported this effort, including the Isles of Scilly Harbour Master, The Duchy Of Cornwall, and the local community.

Now onto the next phase of moving the modules to the hospital site and the commencement of all of the site and building works.