Community 1st News

Community 1st continue to remain open for business during this national lock down period.

Our General Manager, Local Estate Management Team and 24/7 UK based helpdesk support team continue to provide essential estate management services to our local NHS partners health estate across Oldham, Sheffield, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

We have put all necessary processes and PPE in place to comply with the governments guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19.

Our ‘Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020’ risk assessments and operating procedures ensure our staff work safely at all times so that we can continue to provide essential estate services to support our local health estate NHS partners to keep critical health care facilities open.

Thanks to our dedicated estate teams for their professionalism and adaptability during these challenging times.

#Workingsafely #NHSEstateServices #WorkingTogether #Covid19secure

October 2020 marks 15 years since Community 1st Sheffield started to invest in the transformation of the local health estate in Sheffield; working in partnership with the local NHS.

We are delighted to share some of our achievements from this decade and a half.

Community 1st Sheffield started construction on our first projects, Wincobank Medical Centre and Deepcar Medical Centre in late 2005. Since then we have delivered £79m of investment in six state-of-the-art health facilities across Sheffield. We continue to own 128,284 sq ft of health estate, which we maintain to the highest standards.

These years have seen considerable changes in primary care, both locally and nationally.  We are proud of our strong partnerships and links with the local community, who have worked with us to respond quickly and effectively to these changes. The most recent examples of this are the rapid adjustments made to our buildings to ensure they are ‘COVID safe’ for staff and patients.

Our buildings are home to a range of primary care and community services, providing local neighbourhoods in Sheffield with award-winning facilities. However, we don’t just deliver new build projects.

Over the years, we have provided a range of expert estate services, managing a variety of minor and major capital works projects across the local health estate on behalf of the NHS.

We are committed to working together with our local NHS and GP partners to support their changing estate needs. As a procurement cleared partner, we can be directly appointed without any delay.

In these challenging times, we look forward to continuing to offer a flexible, supportive estate service to meet NHS Long Term Plan goals and changing local service objectives.

#WorkingTogether #NHS #ExpertEstateServices #Celebrating15years #partnerships

As part of our local expert estate services, we are continually looking at innovation in estate and facilities management services to provide the most responsive support to our local NHS partners and the changing challenges they face.

As part of our estate service offer, we can provide expert advice on Infection Control. We have exclusive access to an advanced Infection Prevention Control System that has been developed by a leading Biotech specialist.

The LumiBio managed service integrates seamlessly into current cleaning and infection control regimes. This system complies with Public Health England guidance but does not carry any of the risks or potential side effects that other sanitising and disinfection systems provide.

LumiBio neutralises all pathogens on contact and carries on neutralising for a further 5 days. Once neutralised the pathogen is eradicated. The system is administered automatically in a live environment, no need to clear any spaces.

As part of this service an evidence based audit trail is routinely provided confirming areas are clean, safe and pathogen levels controlled.

Now, more than ever Infection Control is critical to creating safe environments for patients and staff.

Want to know more?

To find out more about this effective wrap around Infection Prevention Control System, or generally how we can work with you to support your estate requirements, get in touch with the Community 1st team.

T: 0161 831 9722


For more information about Lumibio visit

Current climate

As a result of the Covid-19 response and out of necessity, the NHS has seen rapid and radical changes to the way in which services are managed and delivered. Examples of these changes are evident across all health and social care settings. The rapid changes were required to be able to achieve social distancing, non-essential contact, and the ability to maintain delivery of safe and high quality care for patients along with safe working practices for staff.

Changes in Primary Care during Covid-19

Guidance published from NHSE/I requested that General Practice move to the ‘Total Triage’ system as soon as possible to reduce footfall in practices and to ensure safe working environments for all staff in these buildings. These rapid changes in Primary Care and General Practice are evidenced by latest statistics showing a 600% increase in telephone and virtual consultations between 1st-31st March alone.

Across the board teams in General Practice have changed their working practices to continue to provide high quality care to patients and to ensure safe working environments for the staff. This has including the ability to work, consult and have access to patient records regardless of their location.

The availability of a national framework developed and agreed by NHSE/I enabled the quick access to a range of technology and software solutions to facilitate the changes quickly and efficiently along with tool kits and support channels to get these systems up and running as soon as possible.

As we move through to the next phases of dealing with this pandemic there is much discussion across all Health and Social Care sectors on what the future now looks like for the delivery of health and social care services. The consensus is that the gains and progress made around new technology and service delivery cannot be lost, along with the acknowledgement that social distancing will be a long term requirement.

The main questions regarding health and social care facilities: how do we move forward with design and planning either on new build projects or existing facilities for the current or future climate? In the absence of guidance and lessons learned from the current situation, how do we plan and design new facilities or adapt existing ones to provide safe and efficient, fit for purpose facilities?

Nationally the message is that the NHS cannot lose the progress already made around delivering new, efficient, and effective ways of working, and cannot be seen to revert to previous ways of working in inflexible constrained or environments that are considered unsuitable because new Covid-19 guidelines cannot be achieved.

As an established local estate partner to the NHS in Oldham, Sheffield and Cornwall and the Isles of Silly, Community 1st can support our partners to move forward in these uncertain times, to support our NHS colleagues to develop flexible service delivery strategies that are underpinned by robust operational and clinical policies, providing considered design solutions that allow flexible and appropriate changes and that can respond and adapt to service demand.


Community 1st has always recognised strategic and operational healthcare planning to be the best practice in any new or re-designed health development, however in the current climate this process has never been more critical.

The pace at which the recent changes due to Covid-19 have been adopted means that there is a multitude of new working practices that have been adopted.

Current local working practices and policies, IT infrastructure and solutions, existing buildings, and workforce, along with what can be achieved quickly and successfully have all dictated which has been the most suitable way forward for our NHS colleagues in the current climate. As a result, this means that there has not been a ‘one size fits all’ solution, and neither should there be in the future.

The process that should be adopted now to allow longer term progression with the design or re-design of existing facilities, is for Community 1st to support our local NHS partners to provide a range of support services that are tailored to meet each of our partner’s needs.

This approach provides the ability to acknowledge the national direction of travel and potential future guidance but at the same time allows new development or re-design of existing facilities that are established around locally agreed clinical, operational and estate strategies that are appropriate to local arrangements. This enables any design solutions proposed, to build on existing flexibility in current primary care facilities and ensures that future flexibility in any new developments are embedded into the design process on day one.

Adopting this process allows Community 1st to support our partners with:

  • Evidenced based feasibility studies
  • HM treasury compliant business case analysis and development that supports funding applications and agreement

All of which ensures solutions are designed to deliver appropriate, fit for purpose, flexible, high quality clinical services that are unpinned by robust and agreed clinical and operational service strategies.

With our service support, Commissioners, Clinicians, and other stakeholders are provided with immediately available and experienced resource and support to allow them the time to review and establish appropriate local operational policies, development of robust and evidenced business cases that will deliver successful and considered service delivery strategies that meets local needs and the targets as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.

Kate Edwards

Health Development Director

Want to discuss your changing health estate needs?

To find out more about how we can work with you to support your changing estate requirements, get in touch with the Community 1st team.

T: 0161 831 9722


Community 1st, as the procured local estates partner in Sheffield, Oldham, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, is helping the NHS decarbonise its local primary care estate.

The UK government’s commitment to Net Zero Carbon by 2050 is a huge challenge for health and social care, which produces 6.3% of the UK’s carbon footprint. The NHS is the UK’s largest emitter of carbon.

It must decarbonise its estate urgently.

The journey towards Net Zero Carbon begins with understanding what measures should be taken, and in which order to maximise the carbon efficiency of each building.

You can’t manage what you don’t measure!

Four Steps to Carbon Reduction

Step 1 – Investment Grade Audit

Our Investment Grade Audit (IGA) collects comprehensive data on energy consumption, building infrastructure and staff behaviour and attitudes.

This provides a detailed picture of daily building usage and identifies areas of wastage and inefficiency.

Step 2 – Enhanced Carbon Report

All data is presented within our Enhanced Carbon Report. This provides detailed and costed recommendations to move towards Net Zero Carbon.

The measures we recommend are practical and achievable actions that will improve the performance, reduce running costs and lower the carbon footprint of each building.

Recommendations are presented in priority order – considering the potential CO2 savings, operational practicalities and the payback period of each measure.

Step 3 – Implementation

Effective carbon saving measures can include zero cost actions such as reducing heating set points by 1°C, and investment in technologies like biomass boilers and solar hot water systems.  We work with our NHS partners to implement a structured programme which includes the range of measures that will reduce carbon most effectively in each building.

Step 4 – Performance Management

Effective reduction of an estates carbon footprint needs appropriate, regular monitoring of all implemented carbon reduction measures to track progress and maintain optimum energy performance.

We can work together with our partners to agree KPI’s and measurable data to demonstrate carbon reduction impact.

Working Together

Community 1st are leaders in developing award-winning primary care premises with innovative sustainable design features as well as supporting projects to modernise and create more energy efficiency in existing assets.

We are excited to be applying the knowledge and experience we have gained developing and delivering energy-saving solutions to facilities to our own estate portfolio and for other partners, and helping the NHS achieve the goal of Net Zero Carbon.

Get in touch

To discuss how Community 1st can help you achieve your Net Zero Carbon goal, please contact General Manager Jon Keegan on or 07967113058

Community 1st Cornwall was established in 2004 as a local joint venture public private partnership with the aim to develop and maintain community-based primary health, social care, and community premises across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Meet our General Manager. I’ve spent 30 years in the UK construction industry, mainly in the South West, starting in Civil Engineering building complex bridges and highways before moving onto buildings.

I was the Regional Design & Build Manager for one of the largest UK construction companies when we became part of the team bidding for the NHS LIFT framework which eventually became Community 1st Cornwall.

I’ve been at Community 1st Cornwall since 2005 and this continuity has helped me to develop the local base for Community 1st Cornwall and build great relationships with our local NHS partners and our local supply chain. I am responsible for the overall direction and control of Community 1st Cornwall reporting to our local board. I look after the day to day management of the Company and have oversight of the provision of services from Community 1st and our supply chain.

Local partnerships: What has Community 1st Cornwall done in partnership with local public sector partners to contribute to transforming communities across the country?

Community 1st Cornwall have delivered six state of the art new build health developments and have managed over 150 Capital projects on the NHS owned estate in Cornwall since being established as the local procurement cleared NHS expert estate partner in 2004. This covers everything from the design and build of new Community hospitals to improvement projects on NHS owned assets along with estates reviews and strategic planning.

In the past couple of years, Community 1st Cornwall have provided technical supervision on the design and construction of a new children’s mental health in-patient unit and managed a number of other Mental Health out-patient projects for the local NHS Trust.

The innovative and award-winning buildings that we have designed, funded and delivered have transformed the provision of healthcare in Cornwall. Each of these buildings was designed to be flexible to accommodate future service changes, meet the needs of building users and maximise efficiencies.

These buildings comprise of over 144,000 sq ft of the highest quality health and community estate across Cornwall. These cutting-edge buildings have helped to enhance the clinical environment in Cornwall, relocating services previously provided from outdated, often inaccessible buildings that were not fit for purpose into modern and effective facilities located in the communities they serve.

We are procurement cleared and have the resources and skills in place to support any local health estate projects in Cornwall to any budget.

Our local partnerships with the NHS and track record of estate works demonstrate our flexible approach and commitment to providing a high-quality service.

Flexible Solutions:

The comprehensive variety of in-house resources offered by Community 1st Cornwall and our supply chain shows that we can respond quickly with solutions that meet the visible set of challenges faced by our partners. Every successful project we deliver involves a unique blend of selections from the array of funding, design, delivery and operational options available – there is no ‘off-the-peg’ response to our clients’ specific objectives.

As well as new build projects, Community 1st Cornwall has supported a diverse range of capital works projects from electrical or heating upgrades to extensive refurbishments and remodelling of existing premises. We recently carried out Fire Risk Assessments and managed the remedial works on the Cornwall Community Hospitals estate on behalf of NHS Property Services.

We have a wide portfolio of local experience which you can see here:

Future plans: Community 1st Cornwall has an established local base in St Austell. Using our local supply chains, we will continue to work with partners across the NHS and wider public sector, to help produce modern, fit for purpose buildings that give access to a range services close to people’s homes. In particular, we are working on adaptations and variations to existing primary care premises to accommodate new service requirements quickly and affordably to minimise value for money from existing assets.

To keep up to date with our projects why not follow our LinkedIn page here:

We would love to discuss what we can do to support your local health estate project. Contact us today:

General Manager: Ken Jones


Phone: 0161 831 9722

Meet the Team: Kate Edwards, Healthcare Development Director

Community 1st has been the pre-procured estates partner for health and local authority organisations in Cornwall, Oldham and Sheffield since 2004/2005.

Over this time our team have developed an understanding of local strategic health and social care priorities through some quite radical periods of change for the public sector.

We are an established local partner in these areas having delivered 21 brand new primary healthcare developments across these communities as well as supporting an extensive programme of capital works and backlog maintenance projects for various NHS sites.

Our committed local teams are here to continue to support our local partnerships.

Meet Kate Edwards our Healthcare Development Director

Kate has over 20 years of experience of working within the public sector. Kate is responsible for the provision of strategic and operational healthcare planning and development services across the Community 1st Health estate where she has supported the successful delivery of 21 health developments.

Kate has significant knowledge and experience in the development and management of PFI, LIFT and 3PD projects as well as social enterprise initiatives. As a member of IWFM and the Infection, Prevention Society Kate has a proven track record in the successful delivery of estates and facilities planning and management, business case development and analysis, along with strong communications and engagement expertise.

Kate is also an experienced project manager and service improvement specialist, utilising Lean and Six Sigma methodologies to develop and implement clear continuous service improvement strategies which she has delivered on a national scale.

Kate was previously part of the senior team at NHS Property Services where she was responsible for the growth and development of relationships with key influencers, stakeholders and senior lead for the organisation’s customer account management activities.

Get in touch

We would love to discuss what we can do to support your local health estate project. Contact Kate and the Community 1st team to discuss your requirements.


Meet the team – Jonathan Keegan, General Manager of Community 1st Sheffield and Oldham

Community 1st Sheffield and Oldham were established in 2004 and 2005 respectively as a local joint venture public private partnership with the aim to develop and maintain community-based primary health, social care, and community premises in these local areas.

Meet our General Manager: As the General Manager, I am responsible for the overall direction and control of Community 1st Sheffield and Oldham reporting to our local boards. I look after the day to day management of the Company and have oversight of the provision of services from Community 1st and our supply chain.

Local partnerships: What has Community 1st  done in partnership with local public sector partners to contribute to transforming communities?

The innovative and award-winning buildings that we have designed, funded and delivered have transformed the provision of healthcare in these areas. Each of these buildings was designed to be flexible to accommodate future service changes, meet the needs of building users and maximise efficiencies.

These buildings comprise over 366,000 sq ft of the highest quality health and community estate across these areas. These buildings have massively improved the clinical environment in Sheffield and Oldham, relocating services previously provided from outdated, often inaccessible buildings that were not fit for purpose into modern and effective facilities conveniently located near to local residents.

We are procurement cleared, have the resources and skills in place to support any local health estate projects in these areas.

Flexible Solutions:

The comprehensive range of in-house resources offered by Community 1st and our supply chain means that we can respond quickly with solutions that meet the distinct set of challenges faced by our partners. Every successful project we deliver involves a unique blend of selections from the array of funding, design, delivery and operational options available – there is no ‘off-the-peg’ response to our clients’ specific objectives.

As well as new build projects, Community 1st has supported a wide range of capital works projects from electrical or heating upgrades to large-scale refurbishments and remodelling of existing premises.

We have a wide portfolio of local experience which you can see here.  Sheffield and Oldham

Future plans: We will continue to work with partners across the NHS and wider public sector, to help provide modern, fit for purpose buildings that give access to a range services close to people’s homes. In particular, we are working on adaptations and variations to existing primary care premises to accommodate new service requirements quickly and affordably to minimise value for money from existing assets.

To keep up to date with our projects why not follow our LinkedIn page here.

We would love to discuss what we can do to support your local health estate project. Contact us today:

General Manager: Jonathan Keegan


Phone: 0161 831 9722




Across our Community 1st areas – Oldham, Sheffield and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, we have always recognised the important impact our local partnerships have on community regeneration and local social impact.

We remain committed to supporting local regeneration and local economic impact. Working with like minded partners and supply chain is a key part of turning these commitments into reality.

Through our supply chain partners we have created local office bases for our estate team, creating local employment opportunities and a commitment to equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion.

Its great to see our Facilities and Construction Management Partner Blue Support Services celebrate International Women’s Day in Engineering 2020 and demonstrating their commitment to equality of opportunities for women in this sector.

Read more here:


#WorkingTogether #LocalEmployment #INWED2020

Its great to see the recognition our Property and Facilities Management teams have received for their amazing support in keeping all our managed health estate full operational during ‘lock down’.

The team have continued to safely maintain our high standard of estate service as well as working with our NHS partners on rapid adaptions to some of our managed health estate building to support the NHS changing service needs and in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Read more here

Its always great to see the impact of our local teams and partners working together.

#WorkingTogether #LocalExpertEstatePartner #NHSHeroes

We want to thank our property, facilities and construction teams who have been working safely to provide essential estate management support to all of our health centres during Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Our expert estate team have been able to adapt quickly to all government guidance so that essential works to support our NHS partners during this time to adapt their services in response to the Coronavirus pandemic have been responded to without delay.

During the last few months, our property and facilities management teams have delivered:
• Variation works to Jordanthorpe Health Centre enabling the remodelling works have created extra capacity at Jordanthorpe Health Centre, allowing nurses and four additional GPs to start delivering their services from as early as this week.
• COVID-19 hubs to enable the NHS to be able to test patients safely
• Re-grouting and filling of the swimming pool at Chadderton Wellbeing Centre in Oldham

These are in addition to usual pre-planned maintenance and reactive maintenance jobs.

Full risk assessments and PPE are in place to support the team’s ability to continue to work safely during COVID-19.

We continue to adhere to all government guidance and continue to adapt where needed as a company.


#ExpertEstateServices #Estatemanagement #Facilitiesmanagement #WorkingSafely